Having a Baby? Here’s our list of all the events you can have to celebrate!
Congratulations, mama to be! Whether this is your first child or you’re welcoming a second, third, fourth (or more) to the family it’s time for a celebration! Gone are the days of just having a simple Baby Shower to commemorate and welcome your baby to the world.
Here is our list of all the events you can choose to have (or not) before the baby is born or after!
Baby Reveal
Want to announce your pregnancy to friends and family in a big way, consider having a Baby Reveal party. These events tend to be for the first child however, why not have a Baby Reveal for your child’s siblings too! Whether just a small gathering at home or a nice unveiling at a local restaurant it’s time to let everyone know, “she’s having a baby”.
Gender Reveal
Now that everyone knows you are expecting a little bundle of joy, want to spill the beans and tell us what you’re having already?! Gender reveals are all the rave where you announce to your family and friends the gender of the baby. These parties can be simple or super over the top decked out with vivid colors, custom cakes, and innovative ways to announce the gender using, you guessed it, pink for girls, and blue for boys. You may decide to have this event in place of a Baby Shower or have a Baby Shower too, whatever you decide it will be super fun keeping your family in suspense until the big announcement.
If you are a first time mom you are about to experience what it’s like to not sleep for a LONG TIME. You and your partner will become all about the baby, as you should. Before the baby comes, consider a getaway. It could be a simple staycation at a local hotel, or catch a flight to a tropical paradise for a few days. You’ll be surprised at how much you needed the break and relaxtion. Plus this is a great way to reconnect with your partner as you celebrate the coming of your child. If you already have children, a staycation may be best. Remember to always check with your physician before traveling while pregnant and be mindful of any travel advisories to destinations when planning.
Baby Shower
Baby Showers nowadays can be super low key or ultra extravagant. The idea of a shower is for everyone to come and “shower” your child with gifts, blessings, and love! You may opt for the traditional route with just your lady friends and family for a Sunday Brunch with “Momosa’s” or a co-ed themed out bash at a luxe venue. Most times, your Baby Shower is not planned by you, so whoever is planning the shower should know what you want and the style of shower you would prefer. Most Baby Showers take place in your last trimester when you are truly “popping”.
Similar to a Bachelorette Party, the concept of a Hatchelorette is to celebrate you, your pregnancy experience, and your new journey of motherhood, a send off! This event should be with just the ladies! Think slumber party at a hotel, or a day at the spa. You will be so occupied with your little one for the first year of their life you may not have a chance to spend time or let alone speak with your friends, this is a great way to have some girl time and bond with your friends before this major life change.
Sip and See
Sometimes you may decide not to have many festivities before you give birth, which is totally OK. You might not be up to it, or it’s just not your thing. In any case, Sip and Sees are great for after the baby is born and at least six weeks old. Family and friends can come to view the baby. Notice we said “view”. During those first weeks the immune system of the child is developing and is very new, translation, they are not ready for ewwy adult germs. Having the baby dressed-up and laying in a bassinet during the event is a great way to showcase the baby safely to your guests. Think Rosemary’s Baby without the scary cult-esque parts. You can opt to have this event at home with food from a local caterer, and fun themed out cocktails. If you had a Baby Shower, you may not want to accept anymore gifts and use this event as a thank you, however if this is the first event surrounding the baby you may want to allow for gifts along with viewing the child.
Which events will you have to celebrate the coming of your little bundle of joy? Comment Below.
Don’t forget to visit, https://thesocialsetters.com/startplanning to let us help you start planning all the ways to celebrate your baby!
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