3 DIY Face Masks That’ll Leave You Fresh and Radiant
Want to take a virtual trip to the spa?
Why not pamper yourself at home and give yourself a total makeover with a face mask?
You don’t even have to hit the store. You can make your own mask with just a few ingredients.
Here are 3 DIY Face Mask recipes that you’ll absolutely love.
The Soothing Mask
Perfect for: Sensitive skin, redness, inflammation
Ingredients: Yogurt, honey, cooked oatmeal
Leave on for: 30 mins
The coolness of the yogurt, soothing effect of the oatmeal, and antibacterial properties of the honey will leave your skin supple and radiant.
The Detoxing Mask
Perfect for: Oily skin, acne-prone skin
Ingredients: Turmeric, honey
Leave on for: 20 mins
Create a paste by mixing mighty turmeric, which fights off blemishes with its antioxidants, along with our skincare secret, honey. Smooth this bright yellow mask (but be careful you don’t stain your clothes) and sit back as you let it work its magic on your gorgeous skin.
The Moisturizing Mask
Perfect for: Dry and damaged skin
Ingredients: Avocado, honey, cocoa powder
Leave on for: 20 mins
Does your skin need some serious quenching? This creamy mask will bring it back to life! Everyone’s favorite ingredient, avocado, is a great moisturizing agent, which along with honey and cocoa powder, will soothe away any previous damage to your skin, whether from stress or too much time in the sun.