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Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Travel Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Whether you’re brand new to travel or you’re a seasoned traveler, there are some common travel mistakes that everyone makes at least once. Today we’re sharing a list of five of the most common travel mistakes that people make as well as sharing some tips about how to avoid them!

Mistake #1: Overplanning

If you’re new to traveling or you’re planning a short vacation to somewhere new, you might be tempted to plan out every single hour of every day and stick to this strict schedule. And while you can and should go on the trip you want to go on, it might be a good idea to plan a time for a nap especially if you’re sensitive to jet lag. (Pro tip: if you’re looking for help planning a well-balanced but still epic vacation, you’re in the right place. It’s what we do – click here to find out more!)


Mistake #2: Relying on Technology

Technology is fantastic and there’s nothing wrong with opting for digital tickets and booking online. However, you’re then relying on internet access and your phone or device’s battery life to get you where you want to go. The first thing you should do to avoid this is to make sure you’ve screenshotted all your booking information so that you can easily find it in your camera roll so you’ll be fine whether the page loads or not. The second thing is to print out or write down all of the information for your hotel and your plane, train, or bus tickets. If your phone dies, you’ll have the information for your hotel so you can get a taxi or ask someone for directions. 

Mistake #3: Overpacking

If you’re excited about your vacation, you’re more likely to do this. So many of us are guilty of bringing every outfit option that we think we might wear, just in case. If you’re having trouble narrowing down your travel wardrobe, look up “capsule wardrobes” online. The idea behind capsule wardrobes is to create a small but versatile collection of clothing items and accessories that all go together so you have options for mixing and matching. Try to curate a capsule wardrobe for your vacation with what’s already in your closet. 


Mistake #4: Spending Too Much on Fancy Travel Gadgets 

It might be tempting to splurge on a fancy suitcase with built-in gadgets or buy those cute travel accessories Instagram won’t stop showing you, but it’s best to approach travel gadgets with caution. Some items like packing cubes and travel toiletry bottles are always useful, but a $50 travel scale? It’s a good idea to wait on items like that and see if the need for them arises while you’re traveling.

Mistake #5: Only Doing Touristy Things

Some things are seen as “touristy” because they’re essential. If you’re in Paris, you have to go to the Eiffel Tower. But when people travel they often forget to allow themselves a free hour or two throughout the day to just wander into a small boutique or find a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that only locals know about. Giving yourself at least one opportunity to soak in the local culture is always a good idea!


What’s the biggest travel mistake you’ve ever made or the best travel hack you use to avoid making a mistake? Let us know in the comments!

Need help planning an epic getaway? We can help! Head over to https://thesocialsetters.com/startplanning to get started!

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