The Most Romantic Second Date Ideas
Second dates are often meant to make up for first date mistakes.
If you’ve gotten a second chance, it’s time to turn up the charm!
Here’s are our favorite romantic second date ideas that’ll impress surely impress your date.
(+ These are all COVID-friendly.)
1. Scenic Walk
Do you have a favorite park you love to stroll around?
Your date will love if you show them your own secret hangout spots.
Plan a picnic along with a light walk for you both to chat over and get to know each other better.
You’ll be planning for your third date in no time…
2. Cooking Together
Nothing says “I am interested” like cooking for someone. But we think cooking with someone else can spark up plenty more conversation.
You both don’t need to be the greatest chefs in the world, just focus on making something simple, like a delicious pasta.
And if neither of you knows any recipes, why not order a meal kit box and prepare it together?
You’ll be glad you took that extra step in having a delicious meal.
3. Sailing, Kayaking
Ok so, outdoor dates are always exciting.
But once you go into the water, everything becomes 10x more romantic.
Taking a date out sailing if you have a boat is a great way to have some private time together and enjoy the gorgeous waters that surround you.
If you are looking for something similar on a smaller budget, kayaking at a nearby lake or natural park is another great bonding activity that’ll surely spark plenty of conversation.
Looking to make that second date extra special? We can help you plan the perfect night! Visit https://thesocialsetters.com/startplanning to make it official!